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Hey question/suggestion.

Would it be possible to have it so you can make it floppy Like at every erection state? Posing would work well with it too.

I think i kinda know how to do that on my own but i was wondering if that was even possible. The 2.0 update is amazing btw.

I'm just used to the Kevas floppyness.

I might add a toggle that swaps between two sets of physics states, either by switching physbone components on/off or by introducing a long enough pause, going to add that along with a couple other things before too long. Also sorry to only be replying now, I totally missed the post!

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Oh no worries! I figured your pretty busy not only with the models but rl too lol. 

ANy  leadway on being able to pose it at any angle with your hand?

Heya - that should be possible, unless I somehow disabled the poseable option in the physbones, but I can have a look at that!

I could dm  ya on Discord and show ya what i mean about the poseing thing 

really high quality, but i just wish it had more physbone components to it, like when it hangs down I would like for it to wiggle and not just be a stiff board. other than that, love the thing! works well and looks perfect 

Heya - you and me both! I've been working on some other stuff lately, but giving it nicer physics is definitely on the agenda, also more floppy physics when limp compared to when erect etc. Keep an eye out for updates though, once I figure out how to make it do what I want, there will be news on it ^^

looking forward to it! 

eyy cant wait!

Just to reply here, the 2.0 update did get some new physics! And a lot of other changes, so while I definitely still see things I  want to improve on, it's better than before now :D

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Lacks Substance Painter kinda crazy, really makes it feel behind current VRC standards so $20 feels a bit high.
pretty good over all <3~ updates <3~

also, welcome to VRC. had most of your goods on SL <3~
wish ya luck


Heya - thanks for pointing that out, it IS meant to have a substance painter file as well, I'll be updating the file today to make sure it's included!


Just to update, this has been fixed now, substance files are in!

O epic. thank you <3~~
will update my post then